Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Iolite Workshop - Florence Italy 24 - 25th August 2013

Below are some provisional details regarding the Iolite Workshop, to be held in conjunction with the Goldschmidt Conference in Florence, August 2013. The workshop runs for two days, and is aimed at users of all levels from complete novice to programmer.

The first day is perfect for beginners and all those who would like to get a good grounding in Iolite basics, and will have participants working through example datasets on the day. The second day will look at particular applications (e.g. UPb geochronology) and advanced topics, such as creating or customising your own data reduction schemes.

DATES: 9 am - 5 pm 24th August, 2013 & 10 am - 3 pm 25th August, 2013
PARTICIPANTS: Limited to 50

BYO laptop and charger. Laptop screens should have a resolution of at least 1280 x 800 px.

NOTE: Some of these details may change over the coming months. Please check back regularly for updates.